Jim Shekelton

Jim and Beverly ShekeltonJim Shekelton's wife, Beverly, passed away in 2019 after struggling with multiple types of cancers. She was treated at Missouri Baptist Medical Center, which is the Shekelton family's "hospital of choice."

Although Beverly never had breast cancer, Jim decided to establish the Beverly Bernard Shekelton Endowment at Missouri Baptist Healthcare Foundation in her memory to support breast cancer screenings to better meet the needs of women all over the region. "It was only logical as a great way to honor Beverly and provide an opportunity for women who may not have the means to get a breast screening," Jim says. "The mammography van goes to outlying areas to meet needs everywhere. If the mammography van is in your neighborhood, it makes it convenient and easy to get screened. My donation is to help women who don't have any or adequate health insurance."

He believes his wife would be "delighted" with the endowment he created at the Foundation. "She was a sweet girl and always very generous and wanting to do things for other people. This endowment would be right in line with her wishes and feelings."

Jim is a strong advocate for early detection—and he is certain Beverly would agree. "She would tell other women to not wait to get tested. Because if you find breast cancer early, it's more treatable and creates the best scenario."